Thursday, February 1, 2007

Day One of the Challenge

Just so we're clear I'll state right off that I have adapted the the Challenge. The original concept was to get people to go vegetarian for 40 days , but different folks have been tweaking it and so am I.

The problem for me is that I am already Veg, so that's not much of a challenge. I am also already 95% vegan, and for various reasons the last 5% is problematical as well as not likely to make much of a difference for the environment, so I decided against trying that.

Instead I have decided to try for the 100 Km diet, ie consume only food that was grown within 100 km of where I live. I have resisted doing this for quite a while because I knew it would be very difficult.

Then it occurred to me that if I applied the same 'rule' to the 100 Km as I do to my Veganism it would be both achievable and very beneficial in terms of cutting down my ecological footprint, especially Green House Gas production.

So there's my self challenge, to get 95% of my diet (by weight) to fit the 100 km limit.

And the reason to blog is to share both the challenges and solutions I discover as I try to do this. "Discover" being the operative word since the idea only occurred to me the other day so I didn't plan this out at all.

Day One: Cheating already. OK, not really, just finishing off 3 oranges that I had forgotten about. After they are gone that will be it for non-local fruit and vegies ...

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